Auckland Scuba

Scuba Diving - The Risks


  • This risk disclosure explains the risks associated scuba diving and snorkeling.
  • Scuba diving is an Adventure Activity and does have an element of increased risk. Auckland Scuba is an approved Adventure Activity provider and puts the safety of all activity participants at the top of the list of priorities. You can find us on the Worksafe Approved Adventure Activities Provider Register.
  • All our staff are formally qualified in the areas they teach, they are all 1st aid qualified and are certified oxygen providers.
  • All Scuba Instructors are required to be approved by Worksafe to teach in New Zealand. We would be happy to show you the qualifications of the staff who provide your training if requested.
  • If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding the safety of the activity you can always ask for more information or choose not to continue.
  • We will ask you to sign this document as part of our booking process so please make sure you understand the content.  If you do not – just ask, we are always happy to answer questions.

Weather and Natural Disasters

  • We will assess the suitability of the weather to conduct the activity safely prior to the activity. We have formal procedures and guidelines to help us do this. The Dive Supervisor reserves the right to cancel the activity or change the location of the activity for safety reasons.
  • The Dive Supervisor will monitor the weather throughout the day and make changes to the plan for the day as required.
  • It is important to understand that the weather conditions can change during the day and can be worse than the forecast, this could result in us making changes to the activity at short notice.
  • In the event of severe weather or a natural disaster including but not limited to severe storm, Tsunami, earthquake or volcanic eruption, the Dive Supervisor will halt the activity, facilitate moving all participants to a safe area and communicate with the appropriate agencies.

Scuba Diving Risks and Hazards

  • Diving risks include but are not limited to drowning, air expansion injuries, decompression sickness, embolism, other hyperbaric injuries. These terms describe a range of issues that are caused by:
    •  expansion of air or Nitrogen in different cavities and tissues of the body for example (but not limited to) lungs, ears and sinuses
    • Absorption of excessive Nitrogen in the blood stream and tissues
  • Diving is a strenuous activity; it is important to consider your general physical fitness when deciding if you would like to participate. Some dive sites can have long surface swims, and the dive equipment can be heavy when moving around on land.
  • Other hazards can include Sunburn/heatstroke, dehydration, slips & trips, hypothermia, cuts and other injuries from the marine environment.
  • Marine life is wild and should not be touched to avoid any bites, stings, cuts or puncture wounds.
  • Any site-specific hazards will be explained on the day.


  • I am either a qualified scuba diver or a trainee diver under the supervision of a qualified scuba diving
  • I am either a qualified scuba diver or a trainee diver under the supervision of a qualified scuba diving instructor.
    • As a certified scuba diver (if applicable), I am responsible for planning and executing my own dive safely, appropriate to my current dive certification, experience, water conditions and environment.
    • As a trainee scuba diver (if applicable), I will be supervised by a qualified instructor employed by Auckland Scuba.
  • If I am providing my own equipment, I understand I am responsible for its suitability, maintenance, and correct use.
  • If I do not have a buddy, I will be allocated one at the start of the day.  If I am not comfortable diving with the person I have been allocated, I know that I can let the dive supervisor know, and they will allocate me a new buddy if possible.
  • I understand that the activity may be in a remote location and that in the event of an emergency the time to reach medical care can be protracted.
  • I accept that this activity inherently involves risks and potential hazards. I am aware that participating in the activities offered by Auckland Scuba can be hazardous if they are not conducted with care, control, and responsibility.
  • I acknowledge that these risks could result in my injury (physical or mental) or even death.

Medication/health conditions

  • I have informed Auckland Scuba staff (or will, prior to undertaking the activity) of any medical conditions, previous injuries, and any medication I am currently taking which may affect my ability to undertake the activity.
  • I understand that for any training dives I will be required to complete a diver medical declaration prior to any in water training and that I may need to see a doctor for approval to dive.
  • I can participate in the activities, and I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person.
  • I acknowledge that the activity is physically strenuous and confirm I am/will be physically and mentally fit to participate in the activity.
  • I understand it is my responsibility to disclose any conditions (health or otherwise) that may affect the safety and enjoyment of myself and those around me.

Conditions of participating in activity

  • I agree to participate responsibly and safely. I will follow the rules set out by Auckland Scuba and reasonable instructions given by the Dive Supervisor or other Auckland Scuba Staff
  • I accept that if I do not adhere to the reasonable instructions and rules, or if I act dangerously, recklessly or in a way that might endanger myself or others, the Dive Supervisor or other staff member may remove me from the activity or stop me from completing any dives.
  • I accept that Auckland Scuba reserves the right to cancel this activity if it is concerned for my safety, or the safety of another person.
  • I agree to wear/use all safety clothing and equipment when participating.

Limited liability of Auckland Scuba

  • I understand that if I act recklessly and don’t follow the rules or instructions set out by the Dive Supervisor or other staff member , which I have been made aware of, or if I do not conduct my dive in a safe manner in accordance with my training, Auckland Scuba will not be held responsible for any injury, damage or loss I cause to myself/my property, or another person/their property, resulting from my action (or lack of action).

Damage to property or equipment

  • If I damage any of the equipment, or other property owned by Auckland Scuba, I agree to pay Auckland Scuba all costs associated with repairing the damage.


  • I confirm I am/will not be under the influence of intoxicating alcohol or drugs (be they legal or illegal) which may in any way impair my ability to undertake the activity. This includes being hungover from any previous intake of drugs/Alcohol or taking any medication contraindicative to diving.

Participant Sign Off

  • You will be given a copy of this document to sign as part of the booking process. If you are under 18 years of age a parent/guardian will also be required to sign this document.



